Sound information network V1

Sound information network V1 is an artistic project that arises as a reflection on How does the city sound at the moment? How do you perceive the acoustics of the actions and events that take place in our environment? This project poetically answers these questions, taking advantage of the fact that the content of the information channels and the main topics on social networks are, in a certain way, a reflection of collective thought.
This work is based on the sonification of information; News aggregators, Facebook, and Twitter channels are constantly reviewed and their content converted to spoken voice automatically. Keywords from the texts are used to extract the related sounds automatically. With these materials, real-time sound materials are built that are mixed and processed to make an algorithmic composition organized in different sections. The work is, therefore, sound representation of our current environment.
In relation to the visual part, the theme of each content is associated with a particular color. In each news, the positive and negative sentimentality of each text is analyzed. Negative sentiment offers ranges of red, positive sentiment green. The gradient represents the variation in these levels.
The piece Red de InformaciĆ³n Sonora V1 was presented at the Memorial of the Digital Culture Center from May 02 to June 30, 2016.